Museum of Archeology

Museum of Archeology

From prehistory to the “fakes” from Centuripe of the 20th century, the collection of the archaeologist Libertini tells the story of Archaeology in Catania.

The museum houses artefacts dating back to the prehistoric era up to the late ancient era. In its five rooms you can admire some particularly valuable pieces, for example the model of a boat with rowers, abronze sistrum – a musical instrument that produces a silvery sound when shaken – and a large pyx with a detachable lid on which it’s depicted the ceremony of gifts giving to the newly  bride. In the last room of the museum there are 78 fakes, produced with such skill by forgers from Centuripe that they fool even experts.

A voyage through archeology in catania

useful info

Palazzo Ingrassia | Via biblioteca, 4 Catania

+39 095 7102767 | + 39 334 9242464

Museum of Archeology

Museum of Archeology of the University


The management and valorisation activities and initiatives for the public at the Museum of Archeology of the University of Catania are part of the actions taking place within the special public-private partnership with the University of Catania.

We design educational services for the public to tell the history of Catania archaeology, the profession of the archaeologist, but also the customs and habits of the ancient civilizations and populations that inhabited Sicily in the past.

A journey through time

Museum of Archeology

300 artefacts for 5000 years of history

Its history begins in 1898 when Paolo Orsi donated ten “finds” to the University Cabinet of Archaeology. Since the 1920s, Guido Libertini has made several purchases which will form today’s collection. The Museum was created within the Catania-Lecce project, today it houses all kinds of items dating from prehistory to the mediaeval age. Thanks to Libertini’s interest in ancient  artefacts from Centuripe, today we can admire 78 forgeries by forgers from this small city in central Sicily.

Discovering history

A journey into Catania archaeology

The Museum of Archeology of the University of Catania is located on the ground floor of the nineteenth-century Palazzo Ingrassia, formerly the Institute of Anatomy, now home to the Archeology and Ancient Sciences section of the Department of Humanities – Unict.

Museum of Archeology

Museum of Archeology
Museum of Archeology
Museum of Archeology
Museum of Archeology
Museum of Archeology
Museum of Archeology

Discover the Museum of Archaeology

Visit the Museum of Archeology of the University of Catania independently or with the guided tours organised by Officine Culturali for a journey through history spanning 5000 years.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 (except for holidays).

It is possible to visit the Archeological Museum of the University of Catania independently during opening hours or ask for the guided tour service for a group of minimum 10 people. The guided tours also take place during dedicated events.

Free entry. Full ticket for guided tours €5.

Accessible to people with motor disabilities.